Foreign Language Studies (hereinafter referred to as “the journal”) is an academic journal of studies in foreign language and literature issued by the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University (hereinafter “the College”). The journal regularly publishes original academic papers in the fields of literature, language, education, and culture of different countries.
In keeping with the multilingual and multicultural characteristics of Foreign Language Studies, and furthermore to encourage the submission of manuscripts, the journal accepts manuscripts written in Chinese and various other languages (manuscripts in simplified Chinese characters must be converted to traditional characters prior to submission). The format of the paper (such as the bibliography) needs to be in accordance with the format required by the journal. (For details, see the format requirements for manuscripts submitted to Foreign Language Studies.)
The journal also accepts manuscripts of book reviews and research notes. Book reviews are comments on academic books published either in Taiwan or abroad. The length of book reviews is generally limited to 3,000 words. Research notes are focused discussion on a specific topic or research methodology, and is also generally limited to 3,000 words. The journal also accepts invited manuscript submissions. Each issue will include at most one book review or research note. If you intend to submit book reviews or research notes, please first send a message to the mailbox of the journal.
All submissions to the journal are subject to peer-review. Manuscript submissions are accepted throughout the year. The journal is published regularly in June and December every year. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not be published in other journals, and the author must sign a declaration to that effect when submitting a manuscript. The submitted manuscript shall not contain any information that could reveal the identity of the author, such as the author's name, position, or the title of the author’s research plan. The manuscript will be sent to two journal reviewers for double-blind review. The reviewers may not be from the same school as the author or a teacher or student of the author, nor may any reviewer with lower level academic attainments be eligible to conduct review of the author with higher level attainments. Manuscript review results will be submitted within six months after the journal receives a manuscript submission. If a manuscript is accepted by the journal, the author is responsible to carry out any required correction work. After the corrections are finished, the e-file of the corrected manuscript shall be sent to the journal.
If, owing to the lengthy process of review, revision, proofreading, etc., the submitted manuscript cannot be published in the current issue, it will be postponed to the following issue. Also, the editorial board of the journal reserves the right to determine in which issue an accepted manuscript will be published, concerning the length, language of the paper, the timing, and etc. Every author whose manuscript passes the review must sign a copyright authorization letter, acknowledging that the copyright belongs to the journal. The electronic version of the paper will be included in the NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature, Airiti Library, HyRead Journal, Taiwan Academic Citation Index, Taiwan Journals Search, LawData and other online databases, as authorized by the journal. The author can have a complimentary copy of the current issue from the journal and the full-text electronic file. The journal does not give a monetary remuneration.[1]
How to submit a manuscript:
1. Please submit your manuscript as a Word e-file by uploading it to the iPress, Airiti Academic Press Platform:
2. Please complete and sign the aforementioned declaration, then scan and upload it to the iPress manuscript submission system.
3. Except for book reviews and research notes, all journal submissions require a review fee of NT$1,000. The review fee should be mailed by “cash bag registered mail” to the Editorial Board, Foreign Language Studies, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University, No. 64, Sec. 2, Zhinan Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City, 11605. (Faculty members of College of Foreign Languages and Literature are exempt from this request.)
Pursuant to resolution of Editorial Board Meeting, submissions from 1 January 2025 will not pay a review fee (including papers, book reviews as well as research notes), and this will be implemented for one year.
This draft article shall be implemented pending the approval of an editorial board meeting of the journal; the same holds for whenever the article is amended.
Research Notes: Description and Call for Papers
The “Research Notes” section of Foreign Language Studies is an open forum for a variety of communications related to the study and teaching of language, literature, and culture of interest to the readership. We are especially interested in pieces that spur thought and conversation among colleagues. Please note:
- Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis directly to the iPress system. In addition, manuscripts on certain topics may be invited by members of the editorial committee.
- Submissions will be evaluated for relevance, accuracy, and language use. After final versions are accepted, manuscripts will be published in the next issue or may be placed in an issue in which articles on a related topic will be published.
- Manuscripts should be between 1,000 and 3,000 words, including references and notes, excluding tables and figures.
Position statement taking a critical stance on an issue related to the study and teaching of language, literature, or culture.
Academic Event Report and Reflection
Report of a conference or other academic event that has been held in Taiwan. The report should include information regarding the background and organization of the event, as well as the writer’s reflection on disciplinary conversations on key issues that took place or their personal reflection on the event. Proposals should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event.
A short response or comment on an article previously published in Foreign Language Studies on a topic still relevant to contemporary scholarly work.
Ideas and Issues
This section is for communication about ideas and issues related to the study and teaching of language, literature, and culture from established and emerging voices. Readers at all levels of experience, especially graduate students, are encouraged to submit their proposals to this section. Ideas and Issues provides a place to explore material not yet ready to be published as a full scholarly article. It may include essays on:
- Preliminary research findings
- Potential theoretical developments
- Innovative pedagogical approaches